Create a custom field

Creates a new custom field in a workspace. Every custom field is required
to be created in a specific workspace, and this workspace cannot be
changed once set.

A custom field’s name must be unique within a workspace and not conflict
with names of existing task properties such as Due Date or Assignee.
A custom field’s type must be one of text, enum, multi_enum, number,
date, or people.

Returns the full record of the newly created custom field.

Query Params
array of strings

This endpoint returns a resource which excludes some properties by default. To include those optional properties, set this query parameter to a comma-separated list of the properties you wish to include.


Provides “pretty” output.
Provides the response in a “pretty” format. In the case of JSON this means doing proper line breaking and indentation to make it readable. This will take extra time and increase the response size so it is advisable only to use this during debugging.

Body Params

The custom field object to create.


Custom Fields store the metadata that is used in order to add user-specified information to tasks in Asana. Be sure to reference the custom fields developer documentation for more information about how custom fields relate to various resources in Asana.

Users in Asana can lock custom fields, which will make them read-only when accessed by other users. Attempting to edit a locked custom field will return HTTP error code 403 Forbidden.


Response body

Custom Fields store the metadata that is used in order to add user-specified information to tasks in Asana. Be sure to reference the custom fields developer documentation for more information about how custom fields relate to various resources in Asana.

Users in Asana can lock custom fields, which will make them read-only when accessed by other users. Attempting to edit a locked custom field will return HTTP error code 403 Forbidden.


Globally unique identifier of the resource, as a string.


The base type of this resource.


The name of the custom field.


Deprecated: new integrations should prefer the resource_subtype field. The type of the custom field. Must be one of the given values.

text enum multi_enum number date people

array of objects

Conditional. Only relevant for custom fields of type enum. This array specifies the possible values which an enum custom field can adopt. To modify the enum options, refer to working with enum options.


Globally unique identifier of the resource, as a string.


The base type of this resource.


The name of the enum option.


Whether or not the enum option is a selectable value for the custom field.


The color of the enum option. Defaults to ‘none’.


Conditional. Determines if the custom field is enabled or not.


This field tells the type of the custom field.

text enum multi_enum number date people formula custom_id

string | null

This field is the unique custom ID string for the custom field.


Conditional. This flag describes whether a custom field is a formula custom field.

object | null

Conditional. Only relevant for custom fields of type date. This object reflects the chosen date (and optionally, time) value of a date custom field. If no date is selected, the value of date_value will be null.

object | null

Conditional. Only relevant for custom fields of type enum. This object is the chosen value of an enum custom field.

array of objects

Conditional. Only relevant for custom fields of type multi_enum. This object is the chosen values of a multi_enum custom field.


Globally unique identifier of the resource, as a string.


The base type of this resource.


The name of the enum option.


Whether or not the enum option is a selectable value for the custom field.


The color of the enum option. Defaults to ‘none’.

number | null

Conditional. This number is the value of a number custom field.

string | null

Conditional. This string is the value of a text custom field.

string | null

A string representation for the value of the custom field. Integrations that don't require the underlying type should use this field to read values. Using this field will future-proof an app against new custom field types.


Opt In. The description of the custom field.


Only relevant for custom fields of type ‘Number’. This field dictates the number of places after the decimal to round to, i.e. 0 is integer values, 1 rounds to the nearest tenth, and so on. Must be between 0 and 6, inclusive.
For percentage format, this may be unintuitive, as a value of 0.25 has a precision of 0, while a value of 0.251 has a precision of 1. This is due to 0.25 being displayed as 25%.
The identifier format will always have a precision of 0.


The format of this custom field.

currency identifier percentage custom duration none

string | null

ISO 4217 currency code to format this custom field. This will be null if the format is not currency.

string | null

This is the string that appears next to the custom field value. This will be null if the format is not custom.

string | null

Only relevant for custom fields with custom format. This depicts where to place the custom label. This will be null if the format is not custom.

prefix suffix


This flag describes whether this custom field is available to every container in the workspace. Before project-specific custom fields, this field was always true.


Conditional. This flag describes whether a follower of a task with this field should receive inbox notifications from changes to this field.

string | null

Conditional. A unique identifier to associate this field with the template source of truth.

a_v_requirements account_name actionable align_shipping_link align_status allotted_time appointment approval_stage approved article_series board_committee browser campaign_audience campaign_project_status campaign_regions channel_primary client_topic_type complete_by contact contact_email_address content_channels content_channels_needed content_stage content_type contract contract_status cost creation_stage creative_channel creative_needed creative_needs data_sensitivity deal_size delivery_appt delivery_appt_date department department_responsible design_request_needed design_request_type discussion_category do_this_task editorial_content_status editorial_content_tag editorial_content_type effort effort_level est_completion_date estimated_time estimated_value expected_cost external_steps_needed favorite_idea feedback_type financial funding_amount grant_application_process hiring_candidate_status idea_status ids_link ids_patient_link implementation_stage insurance interview_area interview_question_score itero_scan_link job_s_applied_to lab launch_status lead_status localization_language localization_market_team localization_status meeting_minutes meeting_needed minutes mrr must_localize name_of_foundation need_to_follow_up next_appointment next_steps_sales num_people number_of_user_reports office_location onboarding_activity owner participants_needed patient_date_of_birth patient_email patient_phone patient_status phone_number planning_category point_of_contact position post_format prescription priority priority_level product product_stage progress project_size project_status proposed_budget publish_status reason_for_scan referral request_type research_status responsible_department responsible_team risk_assessment_status room_name sales_counterpart sentiment shipping_link social_channels stage status status_design status_of_initiative system_setup task_progress team team_marketing team_responsible time_it_takes_to_complete_tasks timeframe treatment_type type_work_requests_it use_agency user_name vendor_category vendor_type word_count


Conditional. This flag describes whether a custom field is read only.

object | null

A user object represents an account in Asana that can be given access to various workspaces, projects, and tasks.

array of objects

Conditional. Only relevant for custom fields of type people. This array of compact user objects reflects the values of a people custom field.


Globally unique identifier of the resource, as a string.


The base type of this resource.


Read-only except when same user as requester. The user’s name.


The privacy setting of the custom field. Note: Administrators in your organization may restrict the values of privacy_setting.

public_with_guests public private


The default access level when inviting new members to the custom field. This isn't applied when the privacy_setting is private, or the user is a guest. For local fields in a project or portfolio, the user must additionally have permission to modify the container itself.

admin editor user


The type of the custom field. Must be one of the given values.

text enum multi_enum number date people

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