
A team is used to group related projects and people together within an organization. Each project in an organization is associated with a team.


A Compact object reflects the default fields returned after a successful API request. See input/output options to include more fields in the response.

gidstringGlobally unique identifier of the resource, as a string.
resource_typestringThe base type of this resource.
namestringThe name of the team.
  "gid": "12345",
  "resource_type": "team",
  "name": "Marketing"


gidstringGlobally unique identifier of the resource, as a string.
resource_typestringThe base type of this resource.
namestringThe name of the team.
descriptionstringOpt in. The description of the team.
edit_team_name_or_description_access_levelstringControls who can edit team name and description. One of: all_team_members only_team_admins
edit_team_visibility_or_trash_team_access_levelstringControls who can edit team visibility and trash teams. One of: all_team_members only_team_admins
guest_invite_management_access_levelstringControls who can accept or deny guest invites for a given team. One of: all_team_members only_team_admins
html_descriptionstringOpt in. The description of the team with formatting as HTML.
join_request_management_access_levelstringControls who can accept or deny join team requests for a Membership by Request team. One of: all_team_members only_team_admins
member_invite_management_access_levelstringControls who can accept or deny member invites for a given team. One of: all_team_members only_team_admins
organizationobjectThe organization/workspace the team belongs to.
organization.gidstringGlobally unique identifier of the resource, as a string.
organization.resource_typestringThe base type of this resource.
organization.namestringThe name of the workspace.
permalink_urlstringA URL that points directly to the object within Asana.
team_content_management_access_levelstringControls who can create and share content with the team
team_member_removal_access_levelstringControls who can remove team members. One of: all_team_members only_team_admins
visibilitystringThe visibility of the team to users in the same organization
endorsedbooleanWhether the team has been endorsed.
  "data": {
    "gid": "12345",
    "resource_type": "team",
    "name": "Marketing",
    "description": "All developers should be members of this team.",
    "html_description": "<body><em>All</em> developers should be members of this team.</body>",
    "organization": {
      "gid": "12345",
      "resource_type": "workspace",
      "name": "My Company Workspace"
    "permalink_url": "",
    "visibility": "secret",
    "edit_team_name_or_description_access_level": "all_team_members",
    "edit_team_visibility_or_trash_team_access_level": "all_team_members",
    "member_invite_management_access_level": "all_team_members",
    "guest_invite_management_access_level": "all_team_members",
    "join_request_management_access_level": "all_team_members",
    "team_member_removal_access_level": "all_team_members",
    "team_content_management_access_level": "no_restriction",
    "endorsed": false
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