
A tag is a label that can be attached to any task in Asana. It exists in a single workspace or organization.

Tags have some metadata associated with them, but it is possible that we will simplify them in the future so it is not encouraged to rely too heavily on it. Unlike projects, tags do not provide any ordering on the tasks they are associated with.


A Compact object reflects the default fields returned after a successful API request. See input/output options to include more fields in the response.

gidstringGlobally unique identifier of the resource, as a string.
resource_typestringThe base type of this resource.
namestringThe name of the tag.
{ "gid": "12345", "resource_type": "tag", "name": "Stuff to buy", }


gidstringGlobally unique identifier of the resource, as a string.
resource_typestringThe base type of this resource.
colorstring¦nullColor of the tag.
created_atstring(date-time)The time at which this resource was created.
followers[object]Array of users following this tag.
» {}.gidstringGlobally unique identifier of the resource, as a string.
» {}.resource_typestringThe base type of this resource.
» {}.namestringRead-only except when same user as requester. The user’s name.
namestringName of the tag. This is generally a short sentence fragment that fits on a line in the UI for maximum readability. However, it can be longer.
notesstringFree-form textual information associated with the tag (i.e. its description).
permalink_urlstringA URL that points directly to the object within Asana.
workspaceobjectA workspace is the highest-level organizational unit in Asana. All projects and tasks have an associated workspace.
workspace.gidstringGlobally unique identifier of the resource, as a string.
workspace.resource_typestringThe base type of this resource.
workspace.namestringThe name of the workspace.
{ "gid": "12345", "resource_type": "tag", "color": "light-green", "created_at": "2012-02-22T02:06:58.147Z", "followers": [ { "gid": "12345", "resource_type": "user", "name": "Greg Sanchez" } ], "name": "Stuff to buy", "notes": "Mittens really likes the stuff from Humboldt.", "permalink_url": "https://app.asana.com/0/resource/123456789/list", "workspace": { "gid": "12345", "resource_type": "workspace", "name": "My Company Workspace" } }
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