

Getting started

To get started, see lookups in the app components guide.



The response to a successful lookup request.

errorstringThe error that should be displayed to the user.
resource_name (required)stringThe name of the attached resource.
resource_url (required)stringThe URL of the attached resource.
{ "error": "No resource matched that input", "resource_name": "Build the Thing", "resource_url": "https://example.atlassian.net/browse/CP-1" }


The response to a successful typeahead request.

headerstringOptional. Header text to display above the list of typeahead results. If no header is passed in or the value is an empty string, only the typeahead results with be rendered.
items (required)[object]Array of TypeaheadItem objects that indicate typeahead results.
» icon_urlstringThe URL of the icon to display next to the title.
» subtitlestringThe subtitle of the typeahead item.
» title (required)stringThe title of the typeahead item.
» value (required)stringThe value of the typeahead item.
{ "header": "List of messages", "items": [ { "icon_url": "https://example-icon.png", "subtitle": "OTP", "title": "OTP Team PF", "value": "OTP" } ] }


An object describing a typeahead result.

icon_urlstringThe URL of the icon to display next to the title.
subtitlestringThe subtitle of the typeahead item.
title (required)stringThe title of the typeahead item.
value (required)stringThe value of the typeahead item.
{ "icon_url": "https://example-icon.png", "subtitle": "OTP", "title": "OTP Team PF", "value": "OTP" }

Error schemas


dataobjectAn object containing an error string to display to the user.
» errorstringThe error to display.

An error response object indicating a bad request (i.e., a status code of 400).

{ "data": { "error": "Illegal or malformed request." } }


An error response object indicating a forbidden request (i.e., a status code of 403).

dataobjectAn object containing an error string to display to the user.
» errorstringThe error to display.
{ "data": { "error": "Access forbidden." } }


An error response object indicating a request that could not be found (i.e., a status code of 500).

dataobjectAn object containing an error string to display to the user.
» errorstringThe error to display.
{ "data": { "error": "Internal server error." } }


An error response object indicating a request that could not be found (i.e., a status code of 404).

dataobjectAn object containing an error string to display to the user.
» errorstringThe error to display.
{ "data": { "error": "Not found." } }


An error response object indicating a unauthorized request (i.e., a status code of 401).

dataobjectAn object containing an error string to display to the user.
» errorstringThe error to display.
{ "data": { "error": "Authorization required." } }
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