Project memberships



These endpoints are now deprecated in favor of the new Memberships endpoints which offer enhanced functionality for projects including setting membership access levels and adding teams as members.


A Compact object reflects the default fields returned after a successful API request. See input/output options to include more fields in the response.

gidstringGlobally unique identifier of the resource, as a string.
resource_typestringThe base type of this resource.
userobjectA user object represents an account in Asana that can be given access to various workspaces, projects, and tasks.
user.gidstringGlobally unique identifier of the resource, as a string.
user.resource_typestringThe base type of this resource.
user.namestringRead-only except when same user as requester. The user’s name.
{ "gid": "12345", "resource_type": "project_membership", "user": { "gid": "12345", "resource_type": "user", "name": "Greg Sanchez" } }


gidstringGlobally unique identifier of the resource, as a string.
resource_typestringThe base type of this resource.
userobjectA user object represents an account in Asana that can be given access to various workspaces, projects, and tasks.
user.gidstringGlobally unique identifier of the resource, as a string.
user.resource_typestringThe base type of this resource.
user.namestringRead-only except when same user as requester. The user’s name.
projectobjectA project represents a prioritized list of tasks in Asana or a board with columns of tasks represented as cards. It exists in a single workspace or organization and is accessible to a subset of users in that workspace or organization, depending on its permissions.
project.gidstringGlobally unique identifier of the resource, as a string.
project.resource_typestringThe base type of this resource.
project.namestringName of the project. This is generally a short sentence fragment that fits on a line in the UI for maximum readability. However, it can be longer.
write_accessstringWhether the user has full access to the project or has comment-only access.
{ "gid": "12345", "resource_type": "project_membership", "user": { "gid": "12345", "resource_type": "user", "name": "Greg Sanchez" }, "project": { "gid": "12345", "resource_type": "project", "name": "Stuff to buy" }, "write_access": "full_write" }
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