Publish your app
When you've built an application that you wish to share with the Asana community, we strongly recommend that you submit your app to be published in the Asana App Directory.
Apps published to the directory are discoverable by any Asana user. If the app has app components, it will also be published to our in product app gallery so that the app can be installed from projects.
Submit for review
When managing your app in the developer console, select Submit for review in the sidebar to access the app submission form:
From there, you'll review an interactive "pre-flight" checklist of app features before submitting an app. Many of these fields can be found in the App listing details section. This includes:
- Adding an app icon that uniquely represents your app.
- Setting up OAuth by adding a redirect URL.
- Adding app images that show what your app can do.
- Adding a short description to summarize what your app can do at a glance.
- Adding a longer description (at least 250 characters) to tell users about the features of your app.
- Adding information about your company to build trust with users.
- Adding a support page URL so that users can seek help.
- Adding your app’s privacy policy URL.
Along with building or providing the above features, you'll be able to submit additional app details through the submit form, such as setup instructions, a screencast video link, and other listing details.
App listing guidelines
For detailed information about app listing requirements, examples, and best practices, visit our app listing guidelines page.
App review process
Once your app has been submitted on the Submit for review page, the review process will begin. At this point, the app will no longer be open for further edits. Note that if your app uses app components your submission will go through a security review and QA process before it’s listed in the in-product app gallery.
You can track the status of your app submission on the same Submit for review page. If your app submission passes requirements, you'll receive an email notification that your app is ready to publish. At this point, you can select the Publish app button in the developer console to share your app:
If your app submission does not meet requirements, you will receive an email regarding the next steps (i.e., any changes required) to get your app ready for re-review.
QA & Security review
Before submitting your app for review, we recommend thoroughly testing your app experiences, marketing copy, authorization, and security best practices. We recommend you:
- Add necessary images (e.g., icon, logo, etc.)
- Add links to supporting information and/or documentation (e.g., app landing page URL, support URL, etc.)
- Proofread marketing-related text (e.g., description, extended description, features)
- Make sure button text has 3-4 words or fewer and start with a verb
- Use consistent language for similar concepts where applicable
- Use sentence case by default and capitalize proper nouns
- Read and review our security best practices
- Test the auth flow from both the web browser and desktop app
- For app component apps specifically:
- Try to "break" your forms (e.g., test watched fields, limit invalid submissions, test typeahead fetches, etc.)
- Test and proof-read any custom error messages
- If using rule actions, test with a variety of trigger combinations
- Test app installation on a project
- You can manually enter the app installation process by navigating to<app_client_id>
(replacing the value of theapp_id
query parameter with the application's client ID, accessible via the developer console.
- You can manually enter the app installation process by navigating to
Updated 12 days ago