OpenID Connect
Asana also supports the OpenID Connect protocol for authenticating Asana users with your applications. That is, in addition to the using code
for your response_type
in the OAuth flow, you can also use the id_token
as your response_type
<!-- User authorization endpoint -->
>Authenticate with Asana</a
The OpenID Connect protocol can be initiated during the user authorization step of the overall OAuth flow. For full context, visit our OAuth documentation.
JSON web token
For this response type, you are not granted an access token for the API, but rather given a signed JSON Web Token containing the user's ID along with some metadata. If you want to allow users to log into your services using their Asana account, the OpenID Connect protocol is an ideal way to authenticate an Asana user. To obtain an ID token, you must request the openid
scope during the authentication flow.
It is also possible to obtain an ID token alongside an authorization code
in the authorization code grant
flow by using the (space-delimited) code id_token
response type. If you do, the redirect parameters will include the ID token in addition to everything you would normally receive.
UserInfo endpoint
To access additional information about the user in a standardized format, we also expose a user info endpoint that can provide the user's name, email address, and profile photo.
This data is available by making a GET request to
with an OAuth access token that has the openid
scope. Depending on the scopes tied to that token, you will receive different pieces of data. Refer to our list of OAuth scopes to determine which additional scopes you need to get the data you want.
Metadata about our OpenID Connect implementation is also made available through OpenID Connect's
Discovery protocol.
Making an unauthenticated GET
request to
will provide all the details of our implementation necessary for you to use OpenID Connect with Asana's API.
Updated 3 months ago