API explorer

Learn to use the helpful tools embedded in our API Reference

Asana's REST API reference allows you to explore different REST API endpoints through an in-context, easy-to-use interface. Using this built-in API explorer, you can make API requests (and view responses) directly in your browser.



Before using the API explorer, be sure to create a personal access token (if you do not already have one). Generating a PAT allows you to access (i.e., make requests to) the Asana REST API upon successful authentication.


Operating on real data

By authenticating with a personal access token, note that you will be operating on real data in your Asana instance. This is also true when making requests via cURL or the Postman Collection.

If you would like to make requests against data outside of your Asana instance (e.g., for testing purposes), we recommend setting up a developer sandbox.


1. Select an API endpoint

To access the API explorer, visit the REST API reference and select any API endpoint.

For example, here is the section for GET https://app.asana.com/api/1.0/users/{user_gid}:

2. Authenticate

After choosing an API endpoint, provide your personal access token on the right side of the page:


3. Build the request

Then, in the middle section of the page, supply the required request parameters. You may also enter any input/output options here as well.


4. View the response

Once the request has been built, select Try It! to make your API request. For example, the following shows an example request and 200 response:


Enumerated values

Enumerated values for request parameters can be found as a dropdown on the property itself. For example, here are the enumerated values for resource_subtype when creating a custom field:

Example responses

If you wish to view a sample response (e.g., a 200 response for a GET request) for a given API endpoint, select the HTTP status code on the right portion of the screen.

In the above example, selecting 200 will display the following sample response:



To see object schemas directly in the API explorer, select the 200 response for a GET request for that resource. For example, see the 200 response option here (highlighted in red) for GET /users/{user_gid}:

In the above example, selecting 200 will open a modal that features the full schema for that resource (in this case, a user resource).