
The following tables represent a master list of all the configurations you can make to define your app components app. Further context for these configurations can be found in the configure the app section of the getting started guide. Feel free to also review the toolkit for a visual documentation of these configurations. To make these configurations, visit the developer console.

Note: You must first create an app in order to be able to configure it. To begin, see the getting started guide.

App listing details

App iconYour app's icon, shown to users to identify your application.
App nameYour app's name, shown to users to identify your application.
Short descriptionA short description of the app.
Long descriptionAn extended description of the functionality of the app. Shown in the app details page.
Company nameYour company name.
Company URLURL of the page where users can learn more about your company.
App landing page URLURL of the page where users can learn more about this app and install it.
Support URLURL of the page where users can read documentation or get support.
Privacy policy URLURL of the page where users can read your app's privacy policy.

Widget metadata URLA URL that Asana uses to make requests for the data needed to load a Widget, which displays information about a third party resource.
Match URL patternA regex which allows Asana to compute whether a URL attachment is supported by an activated app on the project in order to render a widget.

Form metadata URLA URL that Asana uses to request data from the app about fields it should display in the modal form.

Resource attach URLA URL that Asana will make a request to when a user submits a value to attach (i.e., when clicking "Add").
Placeholder textOptional. Placeholder action text that appears in the lookup input field after the user clicks on the lookup action text.
Resource typeahead URLA URL that Asana will make a request to when a user types into a lookup field.

Display nameThe rule action name visible to end users in the rule builder (e.g., "Create a Jira issue").
Run action URLA URL that Asana will make a request to when the rule is triggered.
Form metadata URLA URL that Asana will make a request to to display the configuration form.

Lookup action textClickable action text that allows users to initiate a lookup.
Modal Form action textClickable action text that allows users to initiate a modal form.

HeadlineText that appears as a title on the overview of features (i.e., "value props").
Authentication URLA URL which informs Asana where to make requests for authenticating and authorizing users. This is called during installation or when the app returns a response indicating the user must authenticate to continue.

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